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更新时间:2022-07-14 04:39:16


  boxing match 拳击比赛

  boxing ring 拳击台 referee 裁判员

  boxing glove拳击手套 rope 围绳

  boxer 拳击运动员

  boxing glove 拳击手套 boxing shoe 拳击鞋 winner 胜利者


  loser by a knockout 被击败出局者

  boxing weights 拳击体重级别light/junior flyweight 108磅,次特轻量级/次蝇量级

  flyweight 112磅,特轻量级/蝇量级 junior bantamweight 115磅,次最轻量级 bantamweight 118磅,最轻量级

  junior featherweight 122磅,次羽量级 featherweight 126磅,羽量级

  junior lightweight 130磅 次轻量级 lightweight 135磅 轻量级

  light/junior welterweight 140磅,初中量级 welterweight 147磅,次中量级

  light/junior middleweight 154磅,超次中量级 middleweight 160磅,中量级

  super middleweight 168磅,超中量级 light heavyweight 175磅,轻重量级 cruiserweight 200磅,次重量级 heavyweight 201磅以上,重量级

  Boxing, Thai boxing ,Kickboxing 拳击,泰拳,自由搏击 at the bell 一个回合结束 combination blow 组合拳 body feint身体虚晃

  technical knockout技术得胜 heart punch胸部拳 heavy punch重拳 timekeeper 计时员 high-low上下交替拳 hold and hit 抱着打 hook钩拳

  hook up上钩拳 hugging抱住对方 jab刺拳

  apron拳击台围绳以外部分 arched back身体后屈 arm feint 手臂虚晃

  canvas- inspector不堪一击的拳手 card记分卡

  cauliflower ear 菜花耳(耳朵受伤后变形) chest protector 护胸 chin punch 打击下巴的拳 chop下击拳 circle迂回

  clinch work 扭斗 body lean 身体倾斜 body swing身体摆动 blow 打击 bluff佯攻


  break 抱持后拆散 bruiser职业拳击家 buzzer鸣笛

  blocking drill 防守练习 corkscrew punch螺旋拳 corner场角 count 呼数

  counter blow还击拳 counter out台上裁判员 count out宣告失败

  counter puncher善于反击的拳击手 cross 交叉拳

  bent arm blow 曲臂钩拳 black eye 肿眼 bleed 出血

  auditory scoring 报分 cuff and kick 拳打脚踢 decisive blow 决定性打击 defensive boxing 以防守为主的拳法 direct hit直接命中

  disqualification 取消资格 division 分级

  doctor stop 医生叫停 draw away 闪开

  elbow blow 以肘击人 exchange of blows 互击 excited fight 激战 fake blow 虚拳

  feeler试探性拳,左直拳 fist 拳

  first position准备姿势 flying kick 飞踢腿 follow blow 跟进拳 footpads 护足 footwalk 步法 foul blow 犯规拳

  foul-proof cup 护档 full count裁判员数完十秒 fundamental blows基本拳法 get the duke 获胜

  golden glove业余拳击金手套赛 go in the tank故意输掉 green boy 拳击新手 gumshield 护齿

  hamburger被打得浑身伤痕的拳击手 hammer blow捶打

  handwraps 缠手绷带 hard blow猛击

  head protector头盔

  kidney punch肾部拳(犯规) knock down击倒 knock out击倒获胜 lead-off blow开始拳

  lean on ones opponent身体贴靠对方 left左手拳 left step向左移步

  left uppercut左上钩拳 liver punch肝部拳 long hook长钩拳

  majority decision 多数裁判判赢

  make weight减轻体重(以达到下一级别标准) middle weight 中量级 mispunch 击空 mouthpiece 护齿 nimble灵巧

  on the bicycle向后移步 on the canvas被击倒

  one-two punch连续左右猛击 one-two straight连续左右直拳 open blow开掌打击 overreach出拳过远 pearball 梨球

  punch power 打击力量 punchy被打得晕头转向 punching sack沙袋

  rabbit punch打后脑勺 reach伸臂长度

  referee stop 裁判员叫停 ride with the punch 缓冲拳 right 右手拳

  rightcross右交叉拳 right hook 右钩拳 right step 向右移步 right uppercut 右上钩拳 ring name 台上绰号

  ring out打出台外

  ringside judge台下裁判员

  ringside seat 靠近拳击台的观察席位 ropes 围绳

  round arm blow 屈肘拳 ruffian乱打胡来的拳击手 rusher猛打猛冲的拳击手 safety block安全阻挡 scrap 职业拳击赛

  scrapper 职业拳击手 second 助手

  serial kicks 连踢 shadow boxing 空拳 shiner 眼肿

  short count 数十秒太快 short hook 短

  ten-point system十分制 throw a punch出拳

  throw in towel向台上扔毛巾(表示认输) triple blow连击三拳trun拳击短裤 uppercut上钩拳

  unanimous decision裁判一致判赢 weight category体重级别 weight in称量体重 welterweight轻重量级 wild swing猛烈横击

  win by decision得分获胜

  win by a knockout击倒对方而获胜 win by retirement因对方弃权而获胜 withdraw the leg收腿 wrapping绷带 infighting 近战 straight punch 直拳 uppercut 上钩拳 foul 犯规

  punch bag 沙袋 punch ball 沙球


  film industry 电影工业

  cinematograph 电影摄影机, 电影放映机

  cinema, pictures 电影院 (美作:movie theater)

  first-run cinema 首轮影院

  second-run cinema 二轮影院

  art theatre 艺术影院

  continuous performance cinema 循环场电影院

  film society 电影协会,电影俱乐部 (美作:film club)

  film library 电影资料馆

  premiere 首映式

  film festival 电影节

  distributor 发行人

  Board of Censors 审查署

  shooting schedule 摄制计划

  censor’s certificate 审查级别

  release 准予上映

  banned film 禁映影片

  A-certificate A级(儿童不宜)

  U-certificate U级

  X-certificate X级(成人级)

  direction 导演 production 制片 adaptation 改编

  scenario, screenplay, script 编剧 scene 场景 exterior 外景

   lighting 灯光 shooting 摄制 to shoot 拍摄

  dissolve 渐隐,化入,化出 fade-out 淡出 fade-in 淡入

  pan 摇镜头

  frame, picture 镜头

  still 静止

  double exposure 两次曝光

  superimposition 叠印

  exposure meter 曝光表

  printing 洗印

  影片类型films types

  film, motion picture 影片,电影 (美作:movie)

  newsreel 新闻片,纪录片

  documentary (film) 记录片,文献片

  filmdom 电影界

  literary film 文艺片

  musicals 音乐片

  comedy 喜剧片

  tragedy 悲剧片

  dracula movie 恐怖片

  sowordsmen film 武侠片

  detective film 侦探片

  ethical film 伦理片

   affectional film 爱情片

  erotic film 黄色片

  western movies 西部片

  film d’avant-garde 前卫片

  serial 系列片

  trailer 预告片

  cartoon (film) 卡通片,动画片

  footage 影片长度

  full-length film, feature film 长片

  short(film) 短片

  colour film 彩色片 (美作:color film)

  silent film 默片,无声片

  dubbed film 配音复制的影片,译制片

  silent cinema, silent films 无声电影

  sound motion picture, talkie 有声电影

  cinemascope, CinemaScope 西涅玛斯科普型立体声宽银幕电影,变 形镜头式宽银幕电影

  cinerama, Cinerama 西涅拉玛型立体声宽银幕电影,全景电影

  title 片名

  original version 原著

  dialogue 对白

  subtitles, subtitling 字幕

  credits, credit titles 对原作者及其他有贡献者的谢启和姓名

  telefilm 电视片


  cast 阵容

  film star, movie star 电影明星

  star, lead 主角

  double, stand-in 替身演员

  stunt man 特技替身演员

  extra, walker-on 临时演员

  character actor 性格演员

  regular player 基本演员

  extra 特别客串

  film star 电影明星

  film actor 男电影明星

  film actress 女电影明星

  support 配角

  util 跑龙套


  adapter 改编

  scenarist, scriptwriter 脚本作者

  dialogue writer 对白作者

  production manager 制片人

  producer 制片主任

  film director 导演

  assistant director 副导演,助理导演

  cameraman, set photographer 摄影师

  assistant cameraman 摄影助理

  property manager, propsman 道具员

  art director 布景师 (美作:set decorator)

  stagehand 化装师

  lighting engineer 灯光师

  film cutter 剪辑师

  sound engineer, recording director 录音师

  script girl, continuity girl 场记员

  scenario writer, scenarist 剧作家


  reel, spool (影片的)卷,本

  sound track 音带,声带

  showing, screening, projection 放映

  projector 放映机

  projection booth, projection room 放映室

  panoramic screen 宽银幕


  1. ... Presents 出品

  2. ... Production, A Production of... 摄制

  3. A... Film 制片人

  4. Director, Directed by, A Film by 导演

  5. Screenplay by


  6. Based on a Story by 原著

  7. Produced by 制片

  8. Executive Producer 执行制片

  9. Production Manager 制片主任

  10. Director of Photography 摄影

  11. Music by 音乐

  12. Sound Effect 音响效果

  13. Sound Mixer 声音合成

  14. 1st Assistant Director 首席助理导演

  15. Casting by 选派演员

  16. Cast of Characters 演员表

  17. Starring 主演

  18. Costumer Designer 服装设计

  19. Art Director 美术

  20. Editor 剪辑

  21. Set Designer 布景设计

  22. Property Master


  23. Gaffer 灯光

  24. Key Grip 首席场务

  25. Dolly Grip 轮架场务

  26. Best Boy 场务助理

  27. Make Up 化妆

  28. Hairdresser 发型

  29. Stunt Coordinator 特技协调

  30. Visual Effects 视觉效果

  31. Title 字幕

  32. Set Decorator


  33. Script Supervisor 剧本指导

   Academy Awards(奥斯卡奖项)


  1. Costume Design


  2. Actor in a Supporting Role 男配角

  3. Make up 化妆

  4. Art Direction 艺术指导

  5. Live Action Short Film 纪实短片

  Animated Short Film 动画短片

  6. Sound Effects Editing 音响效果剪辑

  7. Sound 音响

  8. Actress in a Supporting Role 女配角

  9. Cinematography 摄影

  10. Film Editing 剪辑

  11. Visual Effects 视觉效果

  12. Documentary Short Subject 记录短片

  Documentary Feature 记录长片

  13. Foreign Language Film 外语片

  14. Lifetime Achievement 终身成就

  15. Original Musical or Comedy Score 音乐(喜剧)

  Original Dramatic Score 音乐(戏剧)

  16. Original Screenplay 原著剧本

  Screenplay Adaptation 剧本改编

  17. Original Song 歌曲

  18. Director 导演

  19. Actress in a leading Role 最佳女主角

  20. Actor in a leading Role 最佳男主角

  21. Picture 影片


  台球术语中英文对照 常用词:

  cue ball (撞球中的)母球、主球 object ball 目标球 solid ball 全色球 stripe ball 花色球 chalk 巧克 top pocket 顶袋 middle pocket 中袋 bottom pocket 底袋 cue 球杆 rest 架杆

  tri-angle 球框(用来摆球的那个三角框)

  台球(总称) billiards 无袋式台球(开仑) carom 有袋式台球(落袋) pocket game 英式三球比利 english billiard 英式22球(斯诺克) snooker 美式台球 America pocket billiard, pool 争黑八打法 eight ball 九球打法 nine ball, knapper 台球规则 rules of play 运动员 player 裁判员 referee 记分员 scorer, jidge 记分 scoring 记分牌 scoring board 预赛 prelim 半决赛 semifinals 1/4决赛 quarterfinal 决赛 final 开球 breakoff, serve 开球线 serve line 开球区(英式D形区) the D 开球区(美式) kitchen 掷币猜先 coin toss, toss off 抽签猜先 lot 球台 table 球袋 pocket 顶袋 top pocket 中袋 middle pocket 底袋 bottom pocket 台面 playing aren 台边 cushion 台面标志 marks 球 ball 球杆 cue 架杆 rest 灯罩 lamp shade 巧克 chalk 杆头 tip 滑石粉 powder 球框(用来摆球的那个三角框) tri-angle 球杆连接部 joint 主球 cue-ball 目标球 object-ball 一击(球) stroke 一杆(球) break 手中球 in-hand 局中球 ball in play 活球 ball on 死球 snookered 死角球 angled 障碍球 snooker 自由球 free-ball 指定球 nominated-ball 贴球 touching ball 贴边球 frozen 跳球 jump-ball, jump-shot 角度球 angled 香蕉球(弧线球) english, sidespin 幸运球 fluke 袋口相挤的球 lawed-ball 争议球 split-hit 罚球 penalty 进球 pot 错击 error 盘 frame 局 game 场 match 暂停 pause 平局 tie score 总分 total points 对方 opponent 失机 loss of chance 失误 miss 犯规 foul 占位 occupied 空杆 miss 置球点 spots 放置彩球 spotting colours(典型的英式用法) 黄球置点 yellow spot 绿球置点 green spot 棕球置点 brown spot 蓝球置点 blue spot 粉球置点 pink spot 黑球置点 black spot 瞄准 aiming 主球走位练习 position exercise 名次排列 rank 排名第二 starting 2(two) 台球厅 pool room 自落 drop of the cue-ball 椎杆 push stroke 跟进球 follow-ball 连击 double-hit 扎杆 prick stroke 出界 forced off the table 僵局 stalemate 滑杆 miscue 厚球 thick cut 薄球 thin cut 偏杆 side spin 定杆 stop shot 缩杆(低杆) sub-side 种子选手 seeded 3号种子选手 seeded 3(three) 上旋球(推杆,高杆) top spin 下旋球(缩杆) back spin 就几个两个标准分别纠正你几个错误和加以补充。 缩球击法 叫back spin或是screw back. 跟进球击法 叫top spin或是follow up. 球变角度击球法,叫side spin. 弧线球叫 swirl,美式忘了怎么拼,也是s打头,因为和中国的„赛‟有音节相似,所以国内有些地方叫加塞。

  手中球,英式叫Free ball,和对方犯规但给自己造成阻碍而自己任意选择击球同一个叫法。美式手中球才叫ball in hand. 幸运球叫fluke. 得的分就叫point,美式才叫一次run。

  失球 LOSS OF CHANGE,有利情况下未能得分,这个没有什么固定叫法,随你怎么叫,loss of chance 或是loss opportunity都可以,但绝对不叫loss of change,肯定是抄错了,把c抄成了g。 加长杆叫extension. 架杆我听过lace,但好像人叫的不一样。

  犯规有两种,foul and miss,可要求摆回重解球,但miss可能裁判认为没有办法解,或是球太乱无法复原,不要求重解球,steve davis就刚刚被判了一个这种球。 双击叫double kiss. 炸球叫kiss或是cannon. 切球叫cut。


  击了球母球不按预定要求滚动,叫heavy contact,heavy ball,heavy hit,随你叫。


  当角袋边缘挡住了主球,使主球不能直接击打台面上的目标球,被称为死角球。 2.手中球(BALL IN HAND)

  在美式台球规则中,手中球的概念是主球可以摆放在比赛台面的任何地方。 3.活球(BALL ON)

  在斯诺克台球中,运动员可合法打一个彩色球(没有红球情况下)入袋,这颗彩球叫活球。 4.开球(BREAK)

  在美式台球的开球中,要求必须使四球碰岸,方被认为是合法开球。 5.手桥(BRIDGE)

  用于架住球杆和调整杆头瞄准方法的手,称为手桥。 6.指球(CALLED BALL)

  在美式台球中,运动员在击球前必须向裁判员指明(口头或用杆指出)所要击打的目标球是哪一颗。 7.定袋(CALLED POCKET)




  9.主球(CuE BALL)

  主球在比赛中,经常被杆击打的球,它是白色的并且无号码。 10.手中球置在开球线后(CVE BALL IN HAND THE HEAD STRINC) 在美式台球中,主球被放在开球线与顶岸之间的任何地方。 11.岸(CUSHION) 一种用织物包住的橡胶制品在球台台边内边沿上,并和它外部周围的木质物一起构成。

  12.双击(DOUBLE HIT)

  在一次击球中,主球被杆头两次击打,称为双击。 13.侧旋球(ENGLISH)

  通过球杆头部击打主球的左右侧,产生出侧旋球。 14.薄击球(FEATHER SHOT) 主球仅仅擦碰目标球,被称为薄击球。 15.得分(COUNT) 一分或是成功的一击。


  当主球被击出后,主球与目标球相碰击时的入球点,叫做击球点。 17.球杆(CVE)

  一种由木质材料造成的锥形体,并用其击打主球。 18.缩球击法(DRAW SHOT)

  主球被击下击点时,会产生下旋,当主球全击目标球后,便会向后方缩回。 19.跟进球击法(FOLLOW SHOT HAROUGH)

  当主球被击上部时,会产生向前旋转,当主球全击目标球,主球便会向前滚动。 20.随势出杆(FOLLOW—THROUGH)


  力量通过球杆打击主球,并导致球在旋转、反射角、分离角等方向产生变化。 22.犯规(FOUL)

  比赛中的一种违犯规则的行为。 23. 犯规击球(FOUL STROKE) 在击球时,发生违反规则行为。 24.盘(FRAME) 从开球开始,直至击落所有的球或打满规定的分数,称为一盘。 25.自由球(FREE BALL)

  在斯诺克台 球比赛中,因犯规所导致的主球被做成障碍球,没犯规方队员可指定任何一个球作为自由球来打,打指定自由球入袋后,记活球分值,将自由球和活球同时打入袋, 只记活球分值。彩球作为自由球被击入袋中,应把彩球放回置球点上。自由球不能做障碍球,否则犯规。但当剩下粉球和黑球时除外。 26.局(GAME) 若干盘比赛构成一局。 27.跳击(JUMP SHOT)

  使主球或者目标球弹起台面的击球。 28.跳球(JUMPED BALL)

  球离开比赛台面或者球以跳起方式越过其它的球。 29.吻击(KISS SHOT)

  主球碰击多于一个目标球,这种击法叫吻击。 30.碰岸比近(LAG FOR BREAK)

  双方运动员将球从开球线后击出去碰对岸返回,并力图使返回的球尽可能地靠近岸边。通过比近来决定开球权。 31.场(MATCH)

  由若干局构成决定胜负的比赛,称为场。 32.冻结(FROZEN) 一个球与其它球或台边相贴。 33.滑杆(MISCUE)

  球杆打主球时,由于打滑导致失误。通常由于没有打在主球击点安全区内,或由于杆头没有打滑粉所致。 34.空杆(MISS)

  在斯诺克比赛中,空杆是指击球手没有尽自己最大能力去击中台球。在一般台球赛中,空杆的意思是失误的一击。 35.自然侧旋(NATURAL ENGLISH)

  一个适度的侧旋的主球,便于有一个所需的行进路线.自然上旋(NATURAL ROLL) 主球不带着侧旋的运动。 37.目标球(OBJECT BALLS) 被主球击打的球。

  38.开局击球(OPENING BREAK SHOT) 一盘比赛中第一杆击球。 39.落袋(POT)

  在斯诺克台球中,一个目标球进袋称为“落袋”。 40.推击(PUSH SHOT) 杆头持续也碰击主球。 41.抢局

  预先确定的决定比赛胜负所必需赢的局数。比如比赛定为21局11胜制,便可称为抢11避。当一方赢得比赛的11局后,比赛便结束。 42.杆架(REST)

  一种由木与铜制成的架杆器具。 43.单循环赛(ROUND ROBIN)

  在一次比赛中,每一参赛队员互相之间均进行一次比赛。 44.得分(RUN)

  一个队员在一次击球中所赢得的积分。 45.安全球(SAFETY) 被击主球落入球袋。 46.自落(SCRATCH) 被击主球落入球袋。 47.击球(STROKE)



  比赛的一种方法,一位参赛选手输一场比赛后即被淘汰出局。 49.障碍球(SNOOKERED)


  运动员开始击球,在一击球或一杆球结束之前,即在裁判员宣布“失机”或“犯规”之前,此运动员保持着击球员的资格。 51.一击球(STROKE)

  运动员用杆头打主球,为一击球。 52.一杆球(BREAIC)

  在斯诺克比赛中,击球运动员从击球得分开始,直至击球因失机或犯规止,这一杆连续击分称之为一杆球。 53.占位(OCCUPIED) 当被打球入袋或出界后,需要放回该球的置球点时,有其它球将此点占据。 54.失机(LOSS OF CHANGE)

  当运动员正常击球,但没有击球入袋或得分,即为“失机”。 55.扎杆(PRICK STROKE)

  将球杆斜向或几乎与台面垂直直击主球,称为“扎杆”。 56.定位球(STOP SHOT)

  当主球撞击目标球后,主球停在原目标球的位置上不动。 57.贴球(TOUCHING BALL)


  History The game of eight-ball is derived from an earlier game invented around 1900 (first recorded in 1908) in the United States and initially popularized under the name B.B.C. Co. Pool (a name that was still in use as late as 1925) by the Brunswick-Balke-Collender Company. This forerunner game was played with seven yellow and seven red balls, a black ball, and the cue ball. Today, numbered stripes and solids are preferred in most of the world, though the British-style variant uses the traditional colors. The game had relatively simple rules compared to today and was not added (under any name) to an official rule book until 1940.

  International rules American-style eight-ball rules are played around the world by professionals, and in many amateur leagues. The rules for eight-ball may be the most contested of any billiard game. There are several competing sets of official rules. The non-profit World Pool-Billiard Association (WPA), with national affiliates such as the Billiard Congress of America (BCA), promulgates the World Standardised Rules[5] for amateur and professional play. The for-profit International Pool Tour has also established an international set of rules[6] for professional and semi-professional play, used in major tournaments broadcast on television (as of 2007, this league has suspended operations, and is focusing on invitational matches, but is expected by many players to resume in 2009). Meanwhile, many amateur leagues, such as the American Poolplayers Association (APA) / Canadian Poolplayers Association (CPA), and the Valley National Eight-ball Association (VNEA) / VNEA Europe, use their own rulesets as their standards (most of them at least loosely based on the WPA/BCA version), while millions of individuals play informally using colloquial rules which vary not only from area to area but even from venue to venue. A summary of the international rules follows (see the WPA/BCA or IPT published rules, which conflict on minor points, for more details): Equipment There are seven solid-colored balls numbered 1 through 7, seven striped balls numbered 9 through 15, an 8 ball, and a cue ball.

  A proper rack, with the two corner balls of a different suit and the 8 ball in the center. The balls are usually colored as follows: 1 and 9blue 3 and 11purple 5 and 13green 7 and 15black Cue - white The tables playing surface is approximately 9 ft. by 4.5 ft. (regulation size), though some leagues/tournaments may allow other sizes. Setup To start the game, the object balls are placed in a triangular rack. The base of the rack is parallel to the end rail (the short end of the pool table) and positioned so the apex ball of the rack is located on the foot spot. The balls in the rack are ideally placed so that they are all in contact with one another. This is accomplished by pressing the balls together from the back of the rack toward the apex ball. The placement of the balls, for a legal rack according to World Standardised Rules is that the 8 ball is placed in the center, while the two lower corners must be a stripe and a solid (see image). The cue ball is placed anywhere the breaker desires inside the kitchen. Break One person is chosen (by a predetermined method, e.g., coin flip, win or loss of previous game, lag) to shoot first and break the object ball rack apart. If the shooter who breaks fails to make a legal break (usually defined as at least four balls hitting cushions or an object ball being pocketed), then the opponent can demand a re-rack and become the breaker, or elect to play from the current position of the balls.

  Long exposure photo of the break in eight-ball. If the breaker pockets a ball, it is still that players turn and the table is considered open (meaning the breaker can still make any object ball to determine if he/she will only shoot solids or stripes throughout the game). If the breaker fails to make another ball after the break, the table is still considered open until someone legally pockets a ball. According to World Standardized Rules, if the 8 ball is pocketed on the break, the breaker may ask for a re-rack or have the 8 ball spotted and continue shooting. If the breaker scratches while pocketing the 8 ball on the break, the incoming player has the option of a re-rack or having the 8 ball spotted and begin shooting with ball-in-hand behind the head string. For regional variations, see below. Turns A player (or team) will continue to shoot until committing a foul (fault), taking a safety, or failing to legally pocket an object ball on a non-safety shot. Thereupon it is the turn of the opposing player(s). Play alternates in this manner for the remainder of the game. Following a foul, the incoming player has ball-in-hand anywhere on the table, unless the foul occurred on the break shot, as noted previously. Pocketing the 8 ball Once all of a players or teams group of object balls are pocketed, they may attempt to sink the 8 ball. To win, the player or team must first designate which pocket they plan to sink the 8 ball into and then successfully pot the 8 ball in that called pocket. If the 8 ball falls into any pocket other than the one designated, is knocked off the table, or a foul (see below) occurs and the 8 ball is pocketed, the player loses the game. Otherwise, the players turn is over (including if a foul occurs on an unsuccessful attempt to pocket the 8 ball; in some leagues, such as the VNEA, such fouls are also loss of game, but not in World Standardized Rules). Winning Any of the following circumstances result in a game win: A player legally pockets the 8 ball into a designated pocket, after all his or her object balls have been pocketed The opposing player illegally pockets the 8 ball (e.g. before clearing all of his/her object balls, does so on the same shot as the last such object ball, or it falls into a pocket other than the one that was designated) The opposing player commits any foul, including scratching the cue ball into a pocket, or knocking it off the table, during the same inning that the 8 ball is pocketed. A scratch or foul is not a loss of the game if the 8 ball is not pocketed or jumped from the table. The opposing player knocks the 8 ball off the table. Fouls The shooter fails to strike one of his/her own object balls (or the 8 ball, if all of said object balls are already pocketed) with the cue ball, before other balls (if any) are contacted by the cue ball. This includes split shots, where the cue ball strikes one of the shooters and one of the opponents object ball simultaneously. No ball comes into contact with a cushion or is pocketed, after legal cue ball contact with the (first) object ball (or 8 ball, if shooting for the 8). The cue ball is pocketed (scratched) The shooter does not have at least one foot on the floor (this requirement may be waived if the shooter is disabled in a relevant way, or the venue has not provided a mechanical bridge) The cue ball is shot before all balls have come to a complete stop from the previous shot The cue ball is struck more than once during a shot The cue ball is jumped entirely or partially over an obstructing ball with an illegal jump shot that scoops under the cue ball The cue ball is clearly pushed, with the cue tip remaining in contact with it more than momentarily The shooter touches the cue ball with something other than the tip of the cue The shooter touches any other ball (with body, clothing or equipment), other than as necessary to move the cue ball when the player has ball-in-hand The shooter knocks a ball off the table The shooter has shot out-of-turn On the break shot, no balls are pocketed and fewer than four balls reach the cushions (in which case the incoming player can demand a re-rack and take the break or force the original breaker to re-break, or may take ball-in-hand and shoot the balls as they lie) English-style rules

  Eight-ball rotation The hybrid game eight-ball rotation is a combination of eight-ball and rotation, in which the players must pocket their balls (other than the 8, which remains last) in numerical order.




  运动员用杆头打主球,为一击球。 一杆球(BREAIC)








  定位球(STOP SHOT)







  在斯诺克台球中,一个目标球进袋称为“落袋”。 推击(PUSH SHOT) 杆头持续也碰击主球。 抢局

  预先确定的决定比赛胜负所必需赢的局数。比如比赛定为21局11胜制,便可称为抢11避。当一方赢得比赛的11局后,比赛便结束。 杆架(REST)

  一种由木与铜制成的架杆器具。 单循环赛(ROUND ROBIN)

  在一次比赛中,每一参赛队员互相之间均进行一次比赛。 得分(RUN)

  一个队员在一次击球中所赢得的积分。 安全球(SAFETY) 被击主球落入球袋。 自落(SCRATCH) 被击主球落入球袋。 击球(STROKE)



  比赛的一种方法,一位参赛选手输一场比赛后即被淘汰出局。 障碍球(SNOOKERED)

  在斯诺克台球比赛中,所谓障碍球是指主球不能以直线球去击打一个活球,其线路被非活球阻挡。 滑杆(MISCUE)

  球杆打主球时,由于打滑导致失误。通常由于没有打在主球击点安全区内,或由于杆头没有打滑粉所致。 空杆(MISS)

  在斯诺克比赛中,空杆是指击球手没有尽自己最大能力去击中台球。在一般台球赛中,空杆的意思是失误的一击。 自然侧旋(NATURAL ENGLISH)

  一个适度的侧旋的主球,便于有一个所需的行进路线。 自然上旋(NATURAL ROLL) 主球不带着侧旋的运动。 目标球(OBJECT BALLS) 被主球击打的球。




  abnormal flight (球)飞行不正常

  accuracy of placement 落点的准确性

  ace ①得分球②打得漂亮的球③直接得分的发球

  alley ①单打边线和双打边线之间的细长地带②单打端线和双打端线之间的细长地带

  alternate courts 交换发球区

  alternate in serving ①换发球②双打中一方轮流发球

  anchor fingers 紧握球拍的三指(中指、无名指、小指)

  around-the-head stroke 绕头顶挥拍击球

  ascent (球)上升

  attacking clear 比较平直的高远球

  back alley 单打端线和双打端线之间的细长地带

  back boundary line 端线(单打后发球线)

  backcourt 后场

  backcourt boundary 端线

  backcourt player 后场球员

  backhand 反拍

  backhand court 左场区

  backhand grip 反手握法

  back room 端线外的空地

  backswing 往后撤拍(准备击球)

  badminton 羽毛球运动

  balk 发球时一方扰乱对方

  band 网顶白布条

  base 中心位置

  base line 端线

  basic strokes 基本技术

  bat ①球拍②击(球)

  battledore 羽毛球拍(旧称)

  battledore and shuttlecock 羽毛球运动(旧称)

  broken shuttle 坏球

  carrying 持球

  centre line 中线

  change courts 交换场地

  change ends 交换场地

  change service courts 互换左右发球区,互换方位

  choice of court ends or service 选择场地或发球权

  choice of “setting” 选择“再赛”权

  clear 高远球

  combination court 单打、双打合用的球场

  cork base (球)底托

  corners of backcourt 后场两角

  1 court 球场

  court-covering 守住全场

  cross-court ①斜线②斜线球

  crown of feathers 羽毛圈

  cut 切球

  deception 假动作

  decoying tactics 引诱战术

  deep high service 发高远球

  deep shot 深球(打到对方端线附近的球)

  delivery of service 发球动作

  descent (球)下降

  deuce 局末平分(如男子单打的13平)

  diagonal system (双打)斜对角配合打法

  diagonal teamwork (双打)斜对角配合打法double hit 连击

  doubles court 双打球场

  doubles service court 双打发球区

  doubles service line 双打发球线

  draw (用故意留出空当等办法)引诱对方进攻 drive 平抽球

  driven clear 平抽高球

  driven service 发平球(比高远球要低些)

  driver 善于抽球的队员

  drop shot 吊网前球

  end 半场

  even number of points 双数分数

  face of racket 拍面

  facet 八角形拍把上的一个平面

  fault ①失误②犯规

  faulty serving 发球违例

  feather 羽毛

  feather tip 羽毛顶尖

  fingering the grip 击球时握指的变动

  finishing shot 决定得分的一击

  first inning 第一轮,第一次发球权

  first server (双打)第一次发球员

  flat service 发平球

  flexible wrist 灵活的手腕

  flick 甩腕击球

  flight (球)飞行

  foot fault 脚部犯规

  forecourt 前场

  forecourt player 前场球员

  forehand 正拍

   forehand court 右场区

  forehand grip 正手握拍法

  foul hit 击球犯规

  frame of racket 拍框

  front and back 双打中一前一后的站法

  front service line 前发球线

  full strike 全力击球

  full swing 全力挥拍

  game 局

  game ball 一局中的决胜分

  game bird 一局中的决胜分

  game point 一局中的决胜分

  get 抢救险球

  getter 抢救险球的队员

  good return 合法还击

  good service 合法发球

  grip ①握拍法②握拍的地方

  gut 羊肠线

  hairpin shot “夹发针”球(在网前贴近地面的轻挑短球)half-court shot 半场球(对付一前一后防守的打法)

  hand-in 有发球权

  handle of racket 拍柄

  hand-out 无发球权,失发球权

  headroom 室内球场上无障碍物的空间

  high backhand stroke 高反拍击球

  high clear 高远球

  hogging the court (双打)抢打同伴的球

  home position 中心位置

  ice-cream point 一场中的决胜分

  in ①有发球权②(球)在界内

  inning 一方保持发球权的时间

  in side 掌握发球权一方

  inside side line 单打边线

  intercept 截击

  kill 扣杀

  landing (球)落地

  left court 左场区

  left court player (双打)在左场区接发球的球员

  left service court 左发球区

  let 发球擦网后重发

  lift 近网挑球

  linesman 司线员

  lob 高球

  long high serve 发高远球

   long service 发远球

  long service line 双打后发球线

  loss of service 失发球权

  Love all ,play! “零比零,开始比赛!”

  love game 一方得零分的一局

  love match 一方得零局的一场

  low shot 低球

  main string (球拍)直线

  match 场

  match point 一场中的决胜分

  mid court 中区

  mid court line 中线

  miss 击球未中

  miss on service 发球时未打中球

  mix up 不断变换打法

  money bird 一场中的决胜分(西方称法)

  net game 网前打法

  net man (双打)打网前位置的球员

  net play 网前打法

  net payer (双打)打网前位置的球员

  net post 网柱

  net tape 网顶白布条

  nylon 尼龙弦

  odd number of points 单数分数

  one down (双打)失去第一次发球权

  one hand (双打开始时)一次发球权

  one hand out (双打)失去第一次发球权

  one out (双打)失去第一次发球权

  one-shotter 只会一种打法的球员

  option of setting 选择“再赛”权

  order of service 发球次序

  out ①无发球权②(球)在界外

  out-of-hand service 撒手发球法(用手指抓着羽毛,一撒手就将球打出去)out of position 站错位,离开了基本位置

  out side 不掌握发球权一方

  outside side line 双打边线

  overdrive 把球打出对方端线

  overhand stroke 高手击球

  overhead stroke 打头上球

  overrun 接球时跑过头

  pace ①球的速度②比赛的速度

  pairing (双打)配对

  partner (双打)同伴

  pass 超身球

   passing shot 超身球

  pass shot 超身球

  place 找落点

  place-hitter 善于找落点的球员

  placement 落点好的球

  placer 善于找落点的球员

  plastic shuttle 塑料羽毛球

  players’positions 队员方位

  play for an opening 促使对方出漏洞的打法

  play safe 打保险球

  poacher (双打)抢打同伴的球

  poaching (双打)抢打同伴的球

  poona 羽毛球运动(因此项运动发源于印度浦那而得名)pop up 近网挑球过高(对方容易扣杀)

  preliminary feint (发球时的)假动作

  press 球拍夹子

  racket 球拍

  racket head 球拍前部(包括拍框和拍面)

  racket head above the hand 拍框上沿高于手(发球犯规) racquet 球拍

  rally 为争夺一分的往返拍。