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更新时间:2021-01-15 03:44:31


1、Chen Zhankui battle song gallops sky, we are posse fire.


2、A posse of Marshs friends persuaded them that this was a bad idea.


3、The sheriff said posse could head off the outlaws at the pass.


4、The sheriff said that the posse could head off the outlaws at the pass.


5、Enraged, Cliegg amassed a posse of moisture farmers to venture into the desert to find her.


6、And I plan to make it this time, God willing, one day at a time, but I dont feel safe right now, in the only place I can ever feel safe, here with my Serenity posse Two posse.


7、Anyway, you have a huge posse of experienced entrails -sifters who do nothing but analyze your every vein and lobe.


8、With a posse of followers, he burst into a lecture hall, poured hot tar on the professor and then decorated him with feathers.


9、Break it sauce shape, wear with posse tampon Taoist sacrificial ceremony the sauce inunction of tomato is on your abluent face.


10、First, they need to build themselves a posse, a small group of up to 15 people they can turn to when the going gets rough, says Ms Gratton.


11、Messrs Gonzales and Rove and the rest of the Texas posse now have the luxury of spending their retirements in their home state.


12、Alongside them were people lower down the social pyramid, who may have been obliged to practise archery at the weekend as part of the village posse but were not as well trained.


13、A young Libyan set up a live Web stream on the courthouse roof, and a posse of students opened a media office inside a burned-out secret-police building.


14、T-Bag taunts Bellick as his posse claws at the guard cage. “What do you call a piece of white trash who couldn’t pass the cop’s exam and now makes less than a mailman?


15、As an example, we give the self learni ng algorithm based on stable mapping memory model for a kind of system set posse ssing same character and restriction, prove its learnability and convergence, an d verify its universability to some different object.